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Dating and Relationship Coaching

Dating can be an opportunity to meet and connect with wonderful people while searching for one special person.  Dating can be interesting, enlightening and fun.  But some people find the search for a spouse or partner challenging, draining and unenjoyable.  

Are you someone who hoped; that by now, you would have happiness, a sense of fulfillment and an amazing loving spouse?  You probably have achieved success in many areas of your life, but for some reason you are still struggling to find your match and fill a gap in your life.  

Maybe you just need some tweaks to your dating style or maybe some deeper exploration would be helpful.  I would like to help you make dating a more pleasant and successful experience.  I would be honored to help you learn more about the science and mastery of connection and/or explore what may be holding you back from a deep intimate connection and bring you closer to a loving and secure long term relationship.  

These are some of things you may be wondering about: 

  • Will someone ever really get me?
  • Will someone I like, like me back?
  • Can I trust myself to choose the right one? 
  • Can I process all the challenging feelings inside?
  • Can I prevent relationships from going on too long and hurting people in the process?
  • Do I have the right tools to develop a deep trusting relationship? 

Does this feel like something you want to explore? please contact me 

50 minute session